Elder Bowen is serving in the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission. He is teaching in the Spanish language.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Temple Day

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Today Wes went through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.    
It was snowing on us as we took these pictures!  It was cold---- BRRRR!

A special thank you to all of our family and friends who were able to attend.  Also thanks to our many friends who although were unable to join us, sent their loving thoughts and best wishes our way! 


  1. We thought of you guys last night while we were with Jordan. We're so happy and so proud of you Wes. What a testimony to the word you are. We can't wait to see you next weekend.
    Love you,
    The Banry's

  2. oh ya and PS, I love your Blog. It's great!

  3. So excited for the Bowen family and Elder Bowen!
    Doug, Christine and the kids
