Arrggg it be talkin' like a pirate day again ayyy!!!
Atleast that be what me parents be tellin' me in. I hope t' Davie Jones Locker it be so, o' else errebody be thinkin' tha' ol' Elder Bowen be talkin' strange.
An' t' answer some o' those questions ye be havin' for me. We mostly be havin' arroz con pollo, it be a favrite down here. Good ol' Saturday we had somethin' that be called Bobo. It be a Brazillian dish. I thinkin' it be made out o' Yuka. Atleast that be what I thinkin', the lasse told us it was. It was a kind o' soup thingymabobber with shrimp inside. Ever had that in Brazil papa?
A lot o' families here be great, they all be treatin' us, with a lot o' food.
I be really bad at pictcha takin', so these be my only ones. For P-days we be buyin some food, writing letters, and usually we be playin' some basketball. I have learned a ton out here. Especially about being bold. If the spirit be there, it be time to be bold. This week I think I been followin the spirit well. But so that is making today kind of fun, I hope you liked the pictures that I sent with that.

So today Elder B is officially 8 months old. He is having a midlife crises kind of deal. We figured it out, and mission wise, he is probably in his 30's now, so it is a little early, but he cant believe where the time has gone. He keeps hearing people say (mainly me), supposedly the second half of the mission goals by 3 times faster. It is really disconcerning for him. But so with his 8 months, he is experienced, and together we are working well together. We had some really great lessons this week, and cannot wait for the return appointments. Tuesday we got to meet with our new district. There were quite a few changes. Not really to our side, but our zone is now one district so that is the biggest change, and a new zone leader and district leader. It was a pretty good meeting and I am really excited for this transfer. Wednesday was a great day. We knocked doors and got some solid return appointments. After we had knocked for an hour, we went to a return appointment we had made the week before. The last week we had left a Book of Mormon and just described it. Thats what we did when we knocked the door. Then on Wednesday we had the full first lesson. That was powerful. The lady had family in Utah that are lds, and had been to temple square. She seemed pretty ready. On Wednesday she told us, she really only wanted to learn, and if we needed to we shouldnt waste our time because she is happy as a Catholic now. During the lesson Elder B did a great job pointing out the spirit, we tried to point out authority and how it works well, had the spirit, and were switching off speaking it felt like every minute. We just really flowed really well together. I think that is the best lesson we have had without a member present. After we taught her to pray, she accepted to pray, but said she was to busy for church this Sunday. This Wednesday we should be back and teaching another great lesson. She had a lot of questions afterwards and is reading in the Book of Mormon. If she keeps up the reading, she will defnately make it and be prepared. Thursday was planning then we had an appointment with someone who we hadnt been able to teach for a while. It was alright, but afterwards we agreed that we should have read out of the Book of Mormon instead because she hadnt been doing so, and that is what we are planning the next time most likely. Friday Elder B had a meeting in Miami with all the ZL's DL's and other trainers. So I had the District leaders companion with me most of that day. His name is Elder P, he is from Hondurus, but lived in Las Vegas for like the past 10 years or so. He was a great help because all of our plans that day were for Spanish appointments. We also brought along a recent convert who is about 20 and we are pushing him to go on a mission. He has a great understanding of the gospel, and he loves coming out with us. His family isnt interested in the church though, so that is what is holding him back. But so he is from Venezuela, so with the two of them, all we needed was someone that knew where the appointments were. That was me. We had some interesting lessons, and one fell through. I decided that I wanted to change the back up to go see this referal we recieved. When we got there, the mom answered the door, and let us in. She gave us lemonade and gave us a return time the next day. She said that she had a chance to join the churc in her country, but lost that, but now she wont miss her chance now. She said that there is just something different about us and that we brought such a great spirit. We left her with a hymn and prayer and she said she would come to church. Nope. We never saw her though. But afterwards Elder P said he wanted to trade places with Elder B because he really loved this area already. It was a great day. So we are excited for this week because we have some good appointments and hopefully they dont fall through like others have been lately. We love this area. They really like feeding us food. Yesterday we had 3 food appoinments, that was a lot. Thank you all for your support, and I love you all. I hope to hear from you all soon. I love my family and all their support for me. Thankyou for everything. I know this church is true, and this week I have really felt the spirit guiding our work. So many little things have happened that became bigger things. Kind of like the scripture says. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and by reading it we can come closer to God. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that we have a prophet today. Thomas S. Monson. I really cant wait for General Conference. I love you all and tahnk you for my support.
Elder Wesley Bowen
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