Elder Bowen is serving in the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission. He is teaching in the Spanish language.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A little late....

Well sorry last week I wasn't able to write a letter, but I am really excited to write now.  So I'll start off with last week.  It was a crazy week filled with miracles.  I dont really remember days any more though, but I'll say the two coolest things that happened.  First we went to go see C, who is a Media Referrals aunt in the same house.  We dropped off the Bible that was ordered a little while ago and C really wanted us to come back. It took us a little while because we would knock and she wouldnt be there, or she wouldnt have time.  Well this time we went and no one answered again.  We were pretty discouraged because she is so great.  We started walking away and we started talking about the coconuts in the trees above.  I said something about how I never had had one here in Florida.  Well the member we brought with us is with us a lot.  He is a recent convert and is awesome.  He is from Venezuela and really cool.  But so he said well lets get one.  He took off some of the dead palm fronds so he could climb it.  Usually we would have just gone away, but we were walking because Jose, the member, his bike was broken.  So we were walking with him.  He started to climb the tree after the fronds were out of the way.  Well after a minute this lady walks out crying.  We then realized it was C.  She said she came out because she saw Jose in the tree, and remembered him from the 2 times we had stopped by before and talked with her.  Well apparently the night before she was praying about that someone could help her take down the dead palm fronds because she was going to have to pay a lot of money.  The tree wasnt even on her property, but because she is where she is, she has to take care of the trees.  She never expected us to come.  We cleaned up all the trees and she expressed what a miricle it was for her.  We were then able to teach her the First lesson finally, and before I could invite her to be baptized, she said, well I will finish this book in about 3 weeks then I need to be baptized.  So we set her for this upcoming Sunday.  Well so later we go back and she had already read to Mormon, and it was like 3 days later.  We didnt have much time with her but left the Gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet.  We came back and she had completely filled it out and we reviewed it with her and then went over the commandments.  She said the study with the pamphlet was the best read yet.  She is super prepared and we are really excited for her.  Another family we are teaching had an interview with one great brother in the ward.  In the interview he invited them all to be baptized the 21st.  They accepted.  On Tuesday we had a FHE with both of them and it went great.  We talked about what needed to happen for the baptism and really got it set up for the 28th.  But they are already coming to church and they picked that day who is baptizing them. It was really exciting.  Now that brings us to this week.  Alot of that is from this past week to, but so we have been walking all week because Elder B's back tire is destroyed.  The catch doesnt catch anymore.  So we walked.  It was alright, but made it a little frustrating at times when members would cancell because we were really depending on them. It all worked out in the end though, and have had some great lessons this week, like some of the ones listed above.  Yesterday we had exchanges and I went out with the district leader Elder H.  He is awesome.  We had appointments with the family of 6 with dates, and C.  They both fell through, but we worked through it.  We went to go see a referral the Bishop gave us and were able to finally get in.  We werent knocking loud enough before apparently because it took some loud knocking for the dog to hear, and for the lady to get to the door.  Well we got in yesterday and had the first lesson.  It was exciting.  It was a spiritual lesson and we were able to extend baptism to her and her mom.  She wouldn't accept a date yet, but she is really excited and said she will pray and get an answer.  She has a lot of faith, we are excited for her.  So that brings us to today.  So I am being transferred.  We will find out tomorrow.  Everyone is the zone is changing companions.  Pretty crazy.  Cannot wait to see what happens.  But so next week I will be somewhere else having fun.  Well I Love you all and thank you for your support and everything you do for me.  I am so very grateful for your prayers and letters.  I can feel your strength.  Thank you all so much.  I love this work and this gospel.  I know that it is true, and that we are here on this earth to prepare to meet God.  I know that our Heavenly Father loves us and cant wait to bless us.  I can see so much of his love here, for me, and for all those that I am able to really get in contact with.  Love you all
Elder Wesley Christopher Bowen

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