This was a pretty fun week for us. We had a challenge in the district that we completed at like 8:51 pm last night. It was fun because everyone would text in as they completed part of it, and we just kept on going and going until the last minute basically. It was tons of fun. We also had a 2 baptisms in the ward, one for us and one for the other Elders. It was cool, we had one service early and one late on Saturday, both were super spiritual, even though the one at night, the other Elders was during a youth dance. It was cool, we couldnt hear it though during the actually baptism, spirit blocked it out for us, haha. But it was awesome. Ours was a 10 year old kid, that came with some reactivation that has been going on for a while, and we did it on his birthday. The other Elders guy showed up at church like 2 weeks ago and said he wanted to get sealed to his wife in Peru, and they said they could help him. It was really cool, she sang a song for us over the phone "Asombro me da" or "Oh How Wonderful it is" in English.
We spent a lot of time contacting and knocking doors this week (it had to do with our challenge) and we had a lot of fun doing it, we made it a super priority to complete our goal so we really worked hard and were focused on what we were doing. We also had an exchange this week so we took some good pictures, hopefully I can get most the computers sent over. Thank you all so much for your support, and for remembering me, it doesnt seem like I am really 20, it just feels like time should be completely stopped and I'll come back and be 19 like before, but I guess not. I love this gospel so much, and I know through Jesus Christ we can all be redeemed from our sins and be able to make it to the Celestial Kingdom with our families. He sent us here to gain and learn experience, and he has given us the preisthood here on the earth to preform all the saving ordinances that we need.
I love it so much, and I love you all.
Elder Wesley Christopher Bowen
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