So I got transferred up to the North now, it is a little different, there are a lot more english speakers up here. I'm in Luaderhill South, which is in North Lauderdale. It is a pretty nice area, but there are some Spanish pockets that we have to go and find. I am super excited to be here and I am now with Elder J, who just got finished being trained, and his trainer finished his mission. Elder J is from Kaysville, UT, and is a super good missionary, he is always looking for ways to improve and has no problem going out and inviting, I am super grateful to have him as a companion now. I came in and took over as district leader. I understand a little bit better what that love is that leaders always say they have when they dont know people. The Lord has blessed me with a great love for each missionary in my district that keeps them always in my mind, and always thinking of ways to help theirs and ours investigators. It has been a crazy first few days in the area. We have been struggling to find spanish, we only got into 2 spanish homes since I have been here to leave a blessing, but we are looking for new areas to go. We have miles again, so we will be smart with how we use them. WE have to drive 5 miles to get into our area though, so it makes it a little difficult. Our district is really awesome, we have some really faithful missionaries, and the sisters were able to have a baptism yesterday, which was a great start to the month and transfer. We have an awesome ward. It is the only Spanish ward in the zone, so between us and the zoneleaders, we cover the whole zone for spanish, they have most of it though. The ward really knows how to do missionary work, we get a referral basically every week, and all the meetings are awesome. I have never been in a ward that is so efficient at the missionary meetings. There are a decent amount of RM's too which is exciting. this week with our miles we are going down to the bottom of our area where we have a referral, a former investigator, and a few potentials to visit, so we hope that there will be a decent amount of Spanish down there. I am super excited for this transfer and month, and know that there are blessings in store for us. I know this gospel is true and that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and if we come unto him in faith and do the small and simple things he asks us to do, we will be blessed beyond measure. I love this work, and I love you all and thank you for the support you give me.
Elder Wesley Christopher Bowen
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